Song Festival Grounds Visitor Centre - OPEN!

On August 31, the newly completed visitor centre of Tallinn Song Festival Grounds was opened.
The visitor centre offers history, stories and exciting discoveries for everyone - history enthusiasts, music enthusiasts, as well for children (for example - children can draw on a large wall with large pencils and also play puzzles etc).
On August 20, the Republic of Estonia celebrated the 30th anniversary of the restoration of its independence. Tallinn Song Festival Grounds has a very significant place in it. After all, national gatherings condemned by the then authorities took place here, where they talked about the independence of the Estonian people, made music and supported the whole movement - night song festivals, the singing revolution, etc.
To commemorate this whole era and the memory of events, a visitor centre were created on Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. Also, the idea is to offer a unique educational experience in a place known as the landmark of Estonian culture and the cradle of the singing revolution.
Here you can perceive the role of song festivals in our culture and history, feel the spirit of the era of singing revolution and discover the exciting history of the Song Festival Grounds.
The completion of the Song Festival Grounds Visitor Centre is another step so that people have a reason to visit the Song Festival Grounds outside of major events.

“We have set a goal to develop various opportunities for pleasant and useful leisure in the Song Festival Grounds. We work to ensure that there is something interesting to offer to the people and guests of the city at any time of the year and in any weather. Of course, we also expect the recovery of tourism soon to tell distant guests the story of the Song Festival Grounds, the Singing Revolution and the Song Festivals. " said the director of the Song Festival Grounds, Urmo Saareoja.
Information about the visitor center here: